MEDICAL IP Signs Letter Of Support With AWS

[ MEDICAL IP To Accelerate Multi-Institutional Clinical Validation Using The Cloud]

MEDICAL IP Signs Letter Of Support With AWS 

MEDICAL IP announced that it has signed a Letter of Support with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to accelerate the company’s digital transformation journey using the cloud.

With this collaboration, AWS will support the seamless implementation of MEDICAL IP's multi-institutional clinical validation by migrating to AWS, starting with its X-ray quantification solution TiSepX, medical image-based digital twin implementation solution MEDIP PRO, and visual printing technology. Also, MEDICAL IP plans to collaborate to build a platform for implementing real-time digital twins in a cloud environment. MEDICAL IP's technology based on medical image data is expected to overcome the limitations of medical institution's computing systems by operating on AWS, enabling multi-institutional joint research and real-time communication beyond the limitations of countries and institutions.


In 2021, MEDICAL IP participated in the AWS Diagnostic Development Initiative (DDI), an AWS program that is designed to help organizations around the world apply the power of the cloud to accelerate diagnostics research and development. Through the program, the company developed TiSepX, an X-ray 3D analysis solution that uses AWS AI and machine learning (ML) services to evaluate COVID-19 severity using X-ray images of COVID-19 patients. Today, MEDICAL IP is preparing for clinical trials for TiSepX's U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) certification with a New York hospital. Thanks to TiSepX being powered by AWS, the joint clinical trials’ efficiency is significantly increased as both medical service providers can work together in the cloud and scale resources on demand.


MEDICAL IP will leverage AWS’s new Amazon HealthLake Imaging solution in its cloud-native APIs, which will be able to help the company perform faster image searches and accelerate research. Amazon HealthLake Imaging is a new HIPAA-eligible capability that makes it easy to store, access, and analyze medical images at petabyte scale.


MEDICAL IP runs medical imaging applications using a single, authoritative copy of data without creating multiple image data in the cloud, which helps to save costs of storing medical images and enable a secure view on patient metadata for research purposes. MEDICAL IP will also leverage AWS to accelerate the development of a digital twin platform that can transform medical images into digital representations of physical objects without time and space limitations using its medical image-based AI segmentation and 3D implementation technology.


Leveraging AWS’s global cloud infrastructure and services, MEDICAL IP will develop a cloud-based medical image analysis platform optimized for global customers, including the U.S., China, and the Middle East Asia, to strengthen its international competitiveness.


“Our collaboration with AWS will fuel our technology development and advancement, as well as global expansion by migrating to the cloud,” said Sang joon Park, CEO of MEDICAL IP. “Healthcare AI and the cloud are key technologies that can accelerate our journey in developing healthcare solutions. AWS’s support will serve as a cornerstone for Medical IP’s recognition by and expansion into the global market.”

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