MEDICAL IP Selected as Sample Vendor by Gartner for 5 Consecutive Years

▶ Selected as a sample vendor in Gartner's 'Hype Cycle' report along with global leading companies such as Materialize and Stratasys

▶ Proven world-class medical 3D technology using anatomical digital twin technology

MEDICAL IP was selected as a Sample Vendor for 5 consecutive years in <Hype Cycle for Digital Care Delivery Including Virtual Care, 2022> published by Gartner, a global IT research company.

Gartner's 'Hype Cycle' was developed to indicate the maturity of technology, including the triggering and introducing various high-tech elements and social applications.

MEDICAL IP was selected as a Sample Vendor along with global companies such as Materialize and Stratasys in the digital medical field of the Hype Cycle report. Being a Sample Vendor for 5 consecutive years has proven that MEDICAL IP's technological prowess leading the medical industry.

According to the report, Anatomical 3D Printing technology is directly related to safety and effectiveness of surgery, treatment accuracy, and improvement of treatment results.

The reason MEDICAL IP has been selected as a Sample Vendor along with world-class companies over the years is because it has developed 3D printing solutions for the medical field using its outstanding anatomical digital twin implementation technology.

MEDICAL IP has a differentiated technology that implements all kinds of anatomical structures as digital twins based on medical images, such as CT and MRI, and extends digital twins to 3D printing.

The CEO Park Sang-joon said; “Continuously being selected as a Sample Vendor together with global top-tier companies proves that 3D printing technology based on precise and sophisticated digital twins keeps being advanced. We will target the domestic and overseas medical market with digital twin-based medical image analysis technology.”


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