[Future business] MEDICALIP, targeting a global market with a medical 3D printing service

Medical IP (CEO Sang-Joon Park), a supplier of domestic 3D printing services and software (SW), will enter China. Big data platform business and health care business, based on 3D image data technology, is to embark the journey in the local market. 

Medical IP will take on digital health care service at Xi'an International Medical Center, a 15,000-bed general hospital, invested by Xian International Medical Investment Co., Ltd., on the 16th.

Sang-Joon Park said, "I will participate in the digital healthcare business of Xi'an International Medical Center to be established in February next year." He also expressed his enthusiasm for "I will promote big data platform business based on 3D image data technology."

Medical IP is specialized in medical 3D printing service and medical image 3D modeling software. Park, who is a professor in the Radiology department at Seoul National University Hospital, established as a venture company in Seoul National University Hospital in 2015. ANATDEL was developed, which uses 3D printing to create patient-specific long-term models, and MEDIP, which extracts human intestinal 3D images by using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Experiments were conducted with the cooperation of major hospitals, led by Seoul National University Hospital. Its service and software are planned to expand this year.

Medical IP was recognized as a global technology. Market researcher Gartner selected Medical IP as a leading sample vendor in 'Hype Cycle 3D Printing' and 'Hype Cycle For Health Care Provider' last month. This is the first time that Gartner has selected an Asian company as a leader in its field.

Medical IP plans to expand its business area to a medical big data platform and to prepare to launch the business in the US and grow in China

Park said, "Based on our one-stop solution for medical imaging, which is our main business, we will expand our diagnosis area with artificial organ development within the next five years."

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